220 E Myer Drive , Sierra Vista
(520) 458-0870
Open Monday-Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
DID YOU KNOW all income from purchases made at the THRIFT STORE and all cash donations support the operating expenses of St Vincent de Paul in Sierra Vista?
(520) 458-0500
Monday – Friday: Noon-4:00 PM
Receiving food from another food bank, pantry, soup kitchen or shelter may also be available to you and your family.
At the St Vincent de Paul Conference, your situation will be discussed in private.
Vincentians will try to help in the form of food, assistance with utilities, rent, store vouchers for clothing, etc.
We try to provide some relief to those who need temporary help to meet a current emergency
or crisis.
Did you know that each month the St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank provides food to about 3,000 Friends each month?
With the shortages on the shelves these days, there is an urgent need for some staples. Peanut butter and jelly/jam are high on that list, along with healthy cereal, canned meats/tuna, beans, vegetables and spaghetti sauce. (Check expiration dates)
If you would like to help, you may bring donations (if you write a check make sure "Food Bank" is in the memo). to the Food Bank at 614 Bartow Drive from noon to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
You may also place your donations in the shopping cart in the Gathering area at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church.
.....that any and all donations received are kept right here in the Sierra Vista area to help individuals and families that are near poverty level?
With support from people like you we can fulfill our mission of feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, helping the stranger, clothing the naked, helping the sick, helping those coming out of prison. As you may know, there is no need that is outside of the concern of our Society.
We strive to accomplish this through person-to-person contact, promoting dignity and integrity.
Thank you for making all this possible!
"If God is the center of your life, no words are necessary. Your mere presence will touch hearts."
~ Saint Vincent de Paul